Helping Your Child Feel Comfortable And Accepted At School

As parents, we are our children’s first teachers. Once they attend school, we want to be there to assist them and ensure they’re enjoying their learning experience. Do you want to help your kids feel comfortable and accepted at school? Keep reading to learn what to ask your babies and how to help them.

Right Questions To Ask Your Kids

While you can ask your children how their day at school went, you might not receive a clear answer. Consider these open-ended questions to invite them to talk.

What Subject Did You Like the Most Today?

Asking this will help you learn more about your kids’ interests and strengths. Once they share their favorite subject, you can ask them their least favorite. Then, let your child feel that you’re there for them whenever they need help with their homework.

Which Kids Sat With You at Lunch?

Apart from this question, you can ask them who they played with during recess or who they sat next to in class. This way, you’ll know whether your kids have friends and feel that they belong to a group.

What’s the Best Thing You Learned Today?

This will tell you if they listened well and are enjoying school. If they say “nothing,” you can ask which part of the lesson confused them. This way, you can emphasize the importance of learning a thing or two in school every day.

What Was the Most Difficult Thing You Did Today?

This will let them open up about the things they find challenging in school. Whether it’s their assignments or mingling with their classmates, you can share your own experience and how you overcame them. Don’t forget to praise your child for their effort. Even a high five will make a huge difference.

Final Thoughts

As parents, we want to know whether our children feel comfortable in school, so we need to ask them the right questions. Let them know you’re there to help them and maybe even give them a reward for their hard work.

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