Eco-Friendly Parenting For Your Baby

As the saying goes, our children are the future of the world; they will be the decision-makers of the future, and their actions will directly impact the environment. 

Raising an eco-friendly baby is the ideal place to start. By being eco-friendly with your child, you can set a great example for your children and perhaps for other parents.

Here we talk about some of our favorite and the easiest ways to be eco-conscious.

Reusable Diapers

Who knew we would go through so. many. diapers! Diapers are one of the most important tools in raising a baby — keeping the baby clean and comfortable. Using reusable diapers helps lessen the amount of trash dumped in landfills. According to Diaper Facts and Statistics, disposable diapers are the third-largest single consumer item in landfills and they take at least 500 years to decompose! Since we’re using diapers daily, switching to reusable diapers instead of disposable diapers can help the environment by lessening landfill waste and lowering exposure to toxic chemicals and plastic waste. Many people are put off by the washing, a common wash routine is to cold rinse without soap, then hot wash with soap, rinse with warm water, and then dry! It may take some trial and error to find the right one but don’t be afraid! Stick with it and you will find what works for you!

Eco-friendly Wipes

Wipes are necessary for keeping babies sanitary and clean. However, using package after package of baby wipes can be wasteful. As an eco-friendly alternative, you can use organic wipes. Organic wipes are better for the environment because they are biodegradable, allowing them to degrade faster than common disposable wipes. In addition, eco-friendly wipes are gentle on the baby’s skin and help prevent rashes and irritation.

Organic Clothing

Organic clothes are made from organic cotton and other natural-grown materials without the use of pesticides, herbicides, or any other harmful chemicals. Choosing organic clothing is not only environmentally friendly but also naturally hypoallergenic, protecting your baby from potentially harmful toxins found in non-organic clothes. Organic cotton is gentle on skin, so your baby will be more comfortable. 

At Beaus+Babes

Using organic clothing was really important to us. We wanted to create long-lasting quality clothing that was not only good for baby, but good for the planet. Our products are also ethically made to provide fair-trade opportunities to workers, and we use recycled materials for our packaging to minimize waste. 

We also promote a circular economy by donating all of your outgrown clothing to shelters, giving you the chance to give back to people in need.

So check out our collections here and don’t forget when your babe has outgrown their latest item to let us know and we’ll send you a pre-paid shipping label to return them to us so we can donate them to someone who needs it.

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